Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Series that Must Not be Named?

I love the Harry Potter series just as much as the next person. Who was at the midnight show of the last movie? Well, let's just say two of the BookSprouting writers and I may or may not have been included in the two. With the release of the final book, I've never seen such hubub about children's book related news in the mainstream news. Sure, when looking for the latest publishing information, I'll go to publishing or devout book sites, but The Globe and Mail? It seems they have run something about Harry Potter everyday for the last month! It makes me wonder what about this book has made it so crazy popular, completely overshadowing other favourite books of my past like The Phantom Tollbooth, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, and so many others? I know they were written way before I was even born, but I hope two things:
  1. I hope they had just as much as a Harry-Potter-buzz when they came out (sadly, I'm not too hopeful).
  2. I hope they will endure and not be overshadowed by the glamorous wizard books released today.
Honestly,what is keeping the Harry Potter series going and will it have what it takes to be made a classic? The Phantom Tollbooth was published in 1961 and my peers still talk of it with fond memories. I hope 46 years from now, future generations of kids will smile with such affection over this perhaps media-induced craze.

Links for thought:

Harry Potter Versus Ramona Cleary?
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Book Sellers' Price Wars (8th book, perhaps?)
You Mean Someone has a Copy of the Book Before We Do?! There will be anarchy!

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